Friday, December 16, 2016

blog 1 by Ronald Hong 10591449

According to the reading, Watching Television Without Pity : The Productivity of Online Fans, this is about the relationship between the TV producer and online fans. Most of the television shows will create their own official web sites and they will chat with those online fans, they welcome all the fans give comments about the show. The TWoP , this is the use to keep the connection between producer and fans. The new media forum is giving a way for those viewers to rethinking those TV shows.

Now a days most of the fans after watching a TV show they will like to discuss with their friend, the new media forum is giving an other way for them to discuss and give comments to the producer, in order to let the producer can follow those fans requests to improve their TV show. For example, TVB they also have a forum for views to put comments, in order to improve. The forum can also has another function, which is some other people who want to watch the TV drama they may view the comment, see if they are worth to spend time to watch this drama, the reason of those people will do such action , mainly is because there are many different kind of TV drama to choose, that is the reason why they must review those comment before watch the TV drama.

The forum also let the producer can know what are the viewers like and can view their comments in order to improve their production. It is because some of the viewer may not only comment about the story, some may even comment about the lighting effect or the video format. Those comment may be very useful for those producer to produce a better TV Drama.

I agree of the writer about the TWop helps to driven the viewers on watching more TV, it is because the TWop let those viewers participate in the TV drama too. They give lot of the comment and some of the viewer even explain the TV drama to those audience who don't understand the TV drama. Also their comment may be accept by the producer.

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