Friday, December 16, 2016

Blog Post 1

Yuen Chi Wah, Alex 10583207

In this essay, it was mainly focus on the relationship between producers and the audiences or the fans, moreover, it also make use of some example that the webpage that the fans create, TWoP and the official webpage which are created by the producers. The use of those webpages was for the audiences or the fans to respond the feeling after they watched the programme. In this essay, it also argue that the webpage was useful or not as so of the producers may concerned about the feeling from the audiences but some of them just only opened the webpage and they only let the audiences comment on the programme.
In additional that this essay also mentioned about the labor power of the fans that some of the fans can rethink the plot of the programme, the fans also can become a spokesperson that they can encourage the other to watch or join this public sphere and the discussion so that more people will know the producers. The essay also mention about the term passive and active viewership that the active not only receive the message from the media but also can relate to the personal and social contexts.
I agree that the producer create some forum or the official website of some programme. As we know, in TVB, it also has a forum for the audiences asking the questions, some news of the artists and some viewpoint of the programme. Some of the audience may ask some questions which are about the actors or actress and the plot, but who will answer the question? It only answered by the other user but not the official staff, we may notice that the use of a official forum may become useless as no producers answered the question or even take a look of the comments. Although I agree that the producer need to create their official website but if the producers did not take notice of the comments, what will be the use of the forum?
The TV production in Hong Kong is different from other countries, for example in Korea, they keep taking the series duringthe programme showed on TV, but the producer will concern on the comment of the programme or the actors so that the produce can make some changes during the production so that the series can fulfill the fans.

“The evolution of the television remote control is suggestive of the type of transformations underway.”(p.29) those nowadays the rates of people who are still watching are decreasing, so that some of the TV stations need to make some changes to fulfill the audiences.

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