Friday, January 6, 2017

LI Hung Yiu, SID: 10616466, Blog Post 2

Critical Blog Post 2:-
Marwick, A. & boyd, d. (2011). To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 17(2), 139–158.

The use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube by celebrities to communicate with their fan bases is becoming an increasingly widespread practice. Rather than previously having to go through the filters of their management or news media, celebrities can instead now speak directly and immediately to their fans and online followers, seemingly allowing revealing glimpses into their everyday lives, and potentially appearing more within reach than before. For some celebrities, their skillful use of social media can result in large responses from their online audiences .In some of these instances, the example of Lady Gaga and her activist efforts that engage large amounts of her online fans, these responses can often involve explicit and direct action, rather than simple ‘re-tweets’, or ‘likes’ (which, it could be argued, can still possess a fair degree of importance generally with regard to making people aware of causes). In an age where ‘likes’ and ‘re-tweets’ are very often the currency of activity and are somewhat easy to perform.

There’s video resulted in fans recording them phoning their own senators (some of whom had never contacted them before, or even knew who they were), urging friends and neighbors to also phone and leave messages, and then placing the videos on Twitter and YouTube, in an effort to reach a wider audience. Other fans posted video responses to these (Re-tweet), and they were all then collated in an official playlist by Gaga, with another message thanking her fans and urging them to keep inspiring others to also call their senators.

This example demonstrates how powerful and meaningful the reach of celebrity/fan activism through social media can be, when both parties work together as partners through these platforms towards an activist cause. In sum, this skilled use of social media by celebrities such as Lady Gaga to engage their fans and followers in activism is working to reshape our traditional understandings of the possibilities of engagement and action. Communication and motivation are now able to flow directly and horizontally between celebrity and fans, rather than through the filtered and vertical, primarily top-down manner evident pre-social media.  Finally, and most significantly, it is through this process that some fans can be given a strong insight into the potential change they can make as citizens, and instigate their vital and empowering first connections to political and public figures.

Anyway, I was really enjoy the interactive with my idol in twitter, do you?

To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter

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