Friday, January 6, 2017

Lee Hei Long SID:10615625 Blog post 2

  In response to one of the chapter in Watkins book written in 2009 titled “The Allure of Social Games, Synthetic Worlds, and Second Lives”. We can first take a look the central arguments made by Watkins in the chapter first. Watkins first put forwards his view over the rise of new media practice among youngsters and the whole society. He stated the situation of youngsters that shift from TV users to the multitasking usage with different media content and the gaming world. The more important thing that he wanted to showcase is that the positive side of gaming that brought to the social life of youngsters. He simply explained that playing multiplayer or opened world game can help to strengthen the relationship between existing friends and family members. Moreover, even got the chance to make new friends from the gaming experience and related discussion. He also uses many case studies and research from scholar to prove his claim like the cases from Curtis.
  To a very large extent, I agree with Watkins point made in this chapter. Because the case can also applied to myself as a casual gamer. I use to play video games everyday at night with my friends. As technology of the gaming system is more advanced nowadays. Through cooperating real time in game, we can communicate and live chat with each other inside the gaming system. This act not only can strengthen the relationship with my friends. This act can also bring more new friends to me since each of us may bring new friends to join the daily chat. The arguments by Watkins were important to the society is because it can help to refute many of the criticism towards gaming. Now people can found out more of the positive side from the gaming world. In fact, there was a lot of gaming live stream and broadcast discussion online that can prove Watkins points. For example the gaming discussion take place in the online forum like We can see many social interactions toke place in the gaming discussion part. People will even meet up online in game and play together. This will definitely enhance the social interaction towards our daily life. We have talked a lot of positive sides from gaming in this blog. 
  Yet, a question still remains on my mind. Will it be over emphasis in the virtual friendship nowadays? Is it really a healthy situation for us?

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